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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Carbamic skābes esteris.

magnija laktāts

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Mg(C 3 H 5 O 3 ) 2 _3H 2 O Bitter-tasting, water-soluble white crystals; slightly soluble in alcohol; used in medicine.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Introduction of an NO 2 sw group into an organic compound.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Molekula, kas satur divas vai vairākas slēgta atomu gredzeni; var būt aromātisko (piemēram, DDT), alifātiskie (bianthryl) vai jaukti (dicarbazyl).

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Chemistry; Organic chemistry

CH 3 CHOHCOONa A water-soluble, hygroscopic, yellow to colorless, syrupy liquid; solidifies at 17_C; used in medicine, as a corrosion inhibitor in antifreeze, and a hygroscopic agent.

skābes akceptors

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Stabilizators barības pievienots plastmasas un sveķu polimēru apvienot ar skābēm veido polimērus sadalīšanās izsekošanas apjomu.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 6 H 5 N 2 C 6 H 5 A compound existing in cis and trans geometric isomers; the cis form melts at 71°C; the trans form comprises orange-red leaflets, melting at 68.5°C; used in manufacture of dyes ...

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