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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Organisks savienojums, jebkura izņemot oglekļa un ūdeņraža atoms.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Jebkāds savienojums, kuras molekulas struktūrā ir saistīta ēteri, R_O_R_, kur R un R_ pārstāv funkcionālo grupu.

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Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 17 H 33 COONa A white powder with a tallow aroma; soluble in alcohol and water, with partial decomposition; used in medicine and textile waterproofing.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Esteris vai sāls maleic acid.

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Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Na 2 C 2 O 4 A poisonous, white powder; soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; used for leather tanning and as an analytical reagent.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 33 H 35 N 5 O 5 An alkaloid found in the fungal parasite ergot; causes smooth muscles in peripheral blood vessels to constrict, limiting blood flow; used to treat migraine headaches.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 6 Cl 6 Colorless, needlelike crystals with a melting point of 231_C; used in organic synthesis and as a fungicide. Abbreviated HCB.

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