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Organic chemistry

Contributors in Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Kāds no savienojumiem atvasināts no grupas glikoli vai polyhydroxy spirtus ar hidroksilgrupu daļu hlora aizstāšana. Arī ir uzrakstīti chlorhydrin.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 6 H 5 CH 2 N(CH 3 ) 2 R+ An organic radical in which R may range from C 8 H 17 to C 18 H 37 ; found in surfactants, as the chloride salt.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

CO(OCH 3 ) 2 Water-insoluble, colorless liquid boiling at 91_C; has pleasant odor; miscible with acids and alkalies; used as a chemical intermediate.

karboksilāta anjons

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

An anion with the general formula (RCO 2 )_, which is formed when the hydrogen attached to the carboxyl group of a carboxylic acid is removed.

piesātināts savienojums

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

Organisks savienojums ar visu apmierināts; oglekļa obligācijām tas nesatur dubultu vai trīskāršu obligācijas un tādējādi nevar pievienot elementus vai savienojumiem.


Chemistry; Organic chemistry

NH 2 (CH 2 ) 2 OH A colorless liquid, miscible in water; used in scrubbing hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from petroleum gas streams, for dry cleaning, in paints, and in ...

tetrakaīns hidrohlorīds

Chemistry; Organic chemistry

C 15 H 24 O 2 N 2 _HCl Bitter-tasting, water-soluble crystals melting at 148_C; used as a local anesthetic.

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