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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

vara sulfāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

CuSO 4 A water-soluble salt used in copper-plating baths; crystallizes as hydrous copper sulfate, which is blue. Also known as copper sulfate.

cirkonija oksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

ZrO 2 A toxic, heavy white powder that is insoluble in water, soluble in mineral acids; melts at 2700_C; used in ceramic glazes, special glasses, and medicine, and to make piezoelectric crystals. ...

vara hlorīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

CuCl or Cu 2 Cl 2 Green, tetrahedral crystals, insoluble in water. Also known as copper chloride; resin of copper.

nātrija hidroksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaOH White, šķīstošs kristāliem; absorbē oglekļa dioksīdu un ūdeni no gaisa; šķīst ūdenī, alkoholu un glicerīns; kūst pie 318_C; analītiskā reaģenta un ķīmisko starpproduktu, gumijas atprasīšanai un ...

mangāna hipofosfīts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Mn(H 2 PO 2 ) 2 _H 2 O Odorless, tasteless pink crystals which explode if heated with oxidants; used in medicine.

cirkonija oksihlorīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

ZrOCl 2 _8H 2 O White crystals that are soluble in water, insoluble in organic solvents, and acidic in aqueous solution; used for textile dyeing and oil-field acidizing, in cosmetics and greases, and ...

molibdēna disulfīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MoS 2 A black lustrous powder, melting at 1185_C, insoluble in water, soluble in aqua regia and concentrated sulfuric acid; used as a dry lubricant and an additive for greases and oils. Also known ...

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