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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

vara bromīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Cu 2 Br 2 White or gray crystals slightly soluble in cold water. Also known as copper bromide.

molibdēna dioksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MoO 2 Lead-gray powder; insoluble in hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids; used in pigment for textiles.

molibdēna trioksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MoO 3 A white solid at room temperature, with a melting point of 795_C; soluble in concentrated mixtures of nitric and sulfuric acids and nitric and hydrochloric acids; used as a corrosion ...

nātrija jodīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaI A balta, gaisā sensitīvu pulveris, šķīstošs ar rūgtu garšu; šķīst ūdenī, alkoholu un glicerīns; kūst pie 653_C; izmantot fotografēšanai un medicīnā un kā analītiskā ...

mangāna oksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Mn 2 O 3 Hard black powder, insoluble in water, soluble in cold hydrochloric acid, hot nitric acid, and sulfuric acid; occurs in nature as manganite. Also known as manganese sesquioxide.

molibdēna pentahlorīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

MoCl 5 Hygroscopic gray-black needles melting at 194_C; reacts with water and air; soluble in anhydrous organic solvents; used as a catalyst and as raw material to make molybdenum hexacarbonyl.

nātrija hipofosfīts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NaH 2 PO 2 _H 2 O Colorless, pearly, water-soluble crystalline plates or a white, granular powder; used in medicine and electroless nickel plating of plastic and metal.

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