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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
cēzija sulfāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Cs 2 SO 4 Colorless crystals with a melting point of 1010_C; soluble in water; used for brewing and in mineral waters.
magnija tiosulfāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
MgS 2 O 3 _6H 2 O Colorless crystals that lose water at 170_C; used in medicine. Also known as magnesium hyposulfite.
sudraba nitrīts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
AgNO 2 Yellow or grayish-yellow needles which decompose at 140_C; soluble in hot water; used in organic synthesis and in testing for alcohols.
cinka sulfīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
ZnS A dzeltenīgs pulveris, kas nešķīst ūdenī, šķīst skābēm; pastāv divi kristāliskās formās (alfa, vai wurtzite, un beta vai Sfalerīts); beta kļūst alfa pie 1020_C un sublimes pie 1180_C; izmantot kā ...
magnija sulfīts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
MgSO 3 _6H 2 O A white, crystalline powder; insoluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water; used in medicine and paper pulp.
sudraba nitrāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
AgNO 3 Poisonous, corrosive, colorless crystals; soluble in glycerol, water, and hot alcohol; melts at 212_C; used in external medicine, photography, hair dyeing, silver plating, ink manufacture, ...
cinka sulfāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
ZnSO 4 _7H 2 O Efflorescent, water-soluble, colorless crystals with an astringent taste; used to preserve skins and wood and as a paper bleach, analytical reagent, feed additive, and fungicide. Also ...