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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
dzīvsudraba cianīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Hg(CN) 2 Poisonous, colorless, transparent crystals that darken in light, decompose when heated; soluble in water and alcohol; used in photography, medicine, and germicidal soaps. Also known as ...
nātrija karbonāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Na 2 CO 3 A white, water-soluble powder that decomposes when heated to about 852_C; used as a reagent; forms a monohydrate compound, Na 2 CO 3 _H 2 O, and a decahydrate compound, Na 2 CO 3 _10H 2 ...
sudraba hlorīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
AgCl A balts, indīgas, gaismas jūtīgu pulveris; nedaudz šķīst ūdenī, šķīst alkalies un skābes; kūst pie 445_C; izmantota fotogrāfija, fotometrija, sudraba apšuvuma un medicīnā.
dzīvsudraba sulfīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
1. HgS melnas šķirnes ir indīgs pulveris; nešķīst ūdenī, alkoholu un slāpekļskābes, šķīst nātrija sulfīda šķīdums; sublimes, 583_C; izmantot kā pigmentu. Pazīstams arī kā melnā dzīvsudraba sulfīds; ...
cēzija bromīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
CsBr A colorless, crystalline powder with a melting point of 636_C; soluble in water; used in medicine, for infrared spectroscopy, and in scintillation counters.
sudraba hromāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Ag 2 CrO 4 Dark-colored crystals insoluble in water, soluble in acids and in solutions of alkali chromates; used as an analytical reagent.
cinka hidroksīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Zn(OH) 2 Colorless, water-soluble crystals that decompose at 125_C; used as a chemical intermediate and in rubber compounding and surgical dressings.