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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Cultural anthropology

Cultural anthropology


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

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mitohondriju DNS (mtDNA)

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Balasta dubultās cilpas rasts mitohondriju DNS. Var būt tikpat maz kā viena vai vairākas vairāk kā simts mitohondrijiem katrai šūnai, un katrs Mitohondrijs piemīt no četrām līdz desmit mtdna ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Iekšzemes dzīvojamo grupa intīmo kontaktu, kuru locekļi dzīvo kopā audzina bērnus, dalīties ieņēmumus no darbaspēka un citus resursus, kas notika kopīgs un vispār sadarboties ikdienā.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A distinctive formal artifact class defined by the consistent clustering of attributes and restricted in space and time, e. G. The "folsom point" is a projectile point "type".


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Diagrammu rekonstrukcija no pagātnes pārošanās ģimenē.

protonu magnetometrs

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Ierīce izmanto pazemes atklāšanu, kas reģistrē izmaiņas zemes magnētisko lauku.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A descent and kinship-based group in which subgroups are clearly linked to one another, with the potential of uniting a large number of local groups for common defense or warfare. Unlike bands, ...

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