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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Cultural anthropology

Cultural anthropology

pozitīva sankcija

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Atlīdzība par atbilstošu vai apbrīnojama uzvedību, kas atbilst sociālās normas. Kopējo pozitīvo sankcijas ietver atzinību un apbalvojumus vai balvas piešķiršanu. Sk. negatīvās ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A religious leader who is part of an organized religion. Different religions have different terms for these individuals--they may be known as rabbis, ministers, mullahs, imams, or other terms. They ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Kaitīgiem aizspriedumiem, diskrimināciju un/vai vajāšana, pamatojoties uz paredzamā etnisko rasu atšķirībām. Rasisma paraugs ir nevis darbā kāds darbu sakarā ar viņa vai viņas ādas krāsu. Līdzīgi, ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Priekšnoteikums ir slikta veselība, uztvert vai indivīds izjūt.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Maza agriculturalist dzīves stāvoklī ar īres fonda saistībām.

zinātniskā medicīna

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

As distinguished from Western medicine, a health-care system based on scientific knowledge and procedures, encompassing such fields as pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, surgery, diagnostic ...

sistemātiska apsekošana

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Information gathered on patterns of settlement over a large area; provides a regional perspective on the archaeological record.

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