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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Cultural anthropology

Cultural anthropology


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

(1) a discrete regional cultural period or level of cultural development marked by some easily recognizable criterion or trait. (2) in soil-science terminology, a natural developmental zone in a soil ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

(1) a vertical cut (or exposure) through a body of sediments or a feature. (2) a one-square mile unit in the legal subdivision system.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

An individual who is sexually and/or emotionally attracted by members of his or her own gender. Homosexuality generally refers to sexual interaction between members of the same gender. In north ...

homogēna sabiedrība

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A society that predominantly or entirely consists of people who share the same ethnicity/race, language, and cultural traditions. Most small-scale societies are homogenous. A few large-scale ones, ...

hierarhiska sabiedrība

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A society that is divided into unequal social classes and individual statuses. There commonly is a ranking of classes and statuses in hierarchical societies such that those that are at the top of the ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

Indivīds, kurš seksuāli un/vai emocionāli piesaista locekļi sevi no pretējā dzimuma. Heteroseksuāli parasti attiecas uz seksuālo mijiedarbību starp pretējā dzimuma pārstāvji. Skatiet biseksuāļu un ...

heterogēna sabiedrība

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A society consisting of many different ethnic and/or "racial" groups, social classes, languages and/or dialects, and cultural traditions. The u. S. And canada are heterogeneous societies. See ...

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