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Sales is the process of selling goods or services. The process begins with the request to buy by a customer or a offer to sell by a seller. Then follows the payment and change of title.

Contributors in Sales



Professional careers; Sales

An organization or individual that sells a product made by someone else, sometimes used interchangeably with the words "wholesaler", "reseller", and "var".

klientu vērtības analīze

Professional careers; Sales

An organisation's rating of the value it provides to its customers relative to that provided by its competitors.

tirdzniecības potenciāls

Professional careers; Sales

An organisation's expected sales of a product in a given market for a specified period, the share of the total market that a firm can reasonably expect to attain in a given time, see market ...

mārketinga informācijas sistēma

Professional careers; Sales

An organisational section or entity whose purpose is to gather, organise, store, retrieve and analyse data relevant to a firm's past, present and future operations on an on-going basis in order ...

multinacionāla korporācija

Professional careers; Sales

Organizācija, kas darbojas vairākās valstīs, kam bieži vien veido būtisku daļu to kopējā aktīvu pārdošanas un darba spēku ārvalstu meitas uzņēmumos.


Professional careers; Sales

Vecais termins pārdevējam, ceļojošās pārdevējam.

novērošanas metode

Professional careers; Sales

Metode, kā iegūt mārketinga pētījumu datus, vērojot cilvēku uzvedību, mehānisku kontroles ierīces bieži tiek izmantotas arī.

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