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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

bora nitrīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

BN A bināro maisījumu bora un slāpekļa, it īpaši balts, pūkains pulvera ar augstu ķīmisko un termisko stabilitāti un augstu elektrisko pretestību.

trinātrija fosfāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Na 3 PO 4 A water-soluble crystalline compound; used as a cleaning compound and as a water softener. Abbreviated TSP. Also known as tertiary sodium phosphate; trisodium orthophosphate.

kālija tiocianāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

KCNS ūdens - un spirtā šķīstošas, bezkrāsaina, bez smaržas higroskopiskā kristāli ar sāļa garša; sadalās pie 500_C; izmantoti kā analītiskā reaģenta un ledainā maisījumi, ķīmisko vielu ražošana, ...

stroncija sulfāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

SrSO 4 White crystals insoluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water and concentrated acids, melts at 1605_C; used in paper manufacture, pyrotechnics, ceramics, and glass.

bora oksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

B 2 O 3 A trioxide of boron obtained as rhombic crystals melting at 460_C; used as an intermediate in the production of boron halides and metallic borides and as a thermal neutron absorber in ...

stroncija hromāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

SrCrO 4 A light yellow, rust- and corrosion-resistant pigment used in metal coatings and for pyrotechnics.

kālija nātrija tartrāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

KNaC 4 H 4 O 6 _4H 2 O Colorless, water-soluble, efflorescent crystals or white powder with a melting point of 70–80_C; used in medicine and as a buffer and sequestrant in foods. Also known as ...

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