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Inorganic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
titāna tetrahlorīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
TiCl 4 A colorless, toxic liquid soluble in water, fumes when exposed to moist air, boils at 136_C; used to make titanium and titanium salts, as a dye mordant and polymerization catalyst, and in ...
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Jebkuras grupas savienojumi, kas satur KN grupa un iegūti ciānūdeņradis, HCN.
plutonija oksīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
PuO 2 A radioactively poisonous pyrophoric oxide of plutonium; particles may be easily airborne.
vanādija dihlorīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
VCl 2 Toxic, green crystals, soluble in alcohol and ether; decomposes in hot water; used as a reducing agent. Also known as vanadous chloride.
nātrija metaborāts
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
NaBO 2 Water-soluble, white crystals, melting at 966_C; the aqueous solution is alkaline; made by fusing sodium carbonate with borax; used as an herbicide.
tantala karbīds
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
TaC cieto ķīmisko izturīgs kristāli kūst pie 3875_C; izmantots griešanas rīki un nomirst.