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Inorganic chemistry

Contributors in Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

joda cianīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

ICN indīgo bezkrāsainu adatas ar asa aromāts un rūgtu garšu; kūst pie 147_C; šķīst ūdenī, alkoholu un ēteris; taksidermijas izmanto kā konservantu. Pazīstams arī kā ciāns jodīda.

nātrija tetrasulfīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Na 2 S 4 Hygroscopic, yellow or dark-red crystals, melting at 275_C; used for insecticides and fungicides, ore flotation, and dye manufacture, and as a reducing agent.


Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Sāls, kas iegūtas vienā ūdeņraža ogļskābe neitralizācijai.

slāpekļa oksīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

N 2 O Colorless, sweet-tasting gas, boiling at_90_C; slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol; used as a food aerosol, and as an anesthetic in dentistry and surgery. Also known as laughing gas; ...

nātrija sulfāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

Na 2 SO 4 Crystalline compound, melts at 888_C, soluble in water; used to make paperboard, kraft paper, glass, and freezing mixtures.

amonija bikarbonāts

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

NH 4 HCO 3 White, crystalline, water-soluble salt; used in baking powders and in fire-extinguishing mixtures. Also known as ammonium hydrogen carbonate.

dzelzs bromīds

Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry

FeBr 3 Red, deliquescent crystals that decompose upon heating; soluble in water, ether, and alcohol; used in medicine and analytical chemistry. Also known as ferric sesquibromide; ferric tribromide; ...

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