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Climate change
The phenomenon of climate's temperature and rainfall slowly changing year by year.
Industry: Natural environment
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Climate change
Climate change
Natural environment; Climate change
A pesticide is a substance used to kill a pest, and in a farming context a pest is anything that attacks or competes with crops. Hence, there are many different types of pesticides: for example, ...
Natural environment; Climate change
A polymer is a giant molecule made up of thousands of atoms. It can be natural or man-made (synthetic). Many plastics in everyday use are polymers, such as polythene or PVC; but then so is cellulose, ...
atjaunojamā enerģija
Natural environment; Climate change
Atjaunojamās enerģijas nāk no dabiskiem avotiem, kas ir papildināta un nav pastāvīgi samazinājušies - piemēram, biomasas, hidro jauda, Ģeotermiskā siltuma, saules enerģija, vēja enerģija, un vilnis ...
saules paneļi
Natural environment; Climate change
Solar panels, usually roof-mounted, use the energy of the sun to generate electricity for home use, with the potential to sell surplus back to the grid. Light shining on a panel of photovoltaic cells ...
Natural environment; Climate change
Otrais zemākais līmenis atmosfērā, kas stiepjas no aptuveni 10km līdz apmēram 50 km augstumā. Ozona slāni, daļa no zemes atmosfēras ozona, vislielākā koncentrācija ir daļa no stratosfērā. Jo tas ...
Natural environment; Climate change
Termostatu uztur temperatūru sistēma vai tuvu noteiktajā līmenī, izmantojot sensorus, kas pateikt to, kad izslēgt apkures ierīcēm. Vairumā mājsaimniecību centrālapkures sistēmas, sienas termostats ...
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