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Climate change
The phenomenon of climate's temperature and rainfall slowly changing year by year.
Industry: Natural environment
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Climate change
Climate change
siltumnīcas efekts
Natural environment; Climate change
Siltumnīcas efekta uztur Zemes vidējā temperatūra ap 14° c temperatūrā. Bez tam, planētas būtu pārāk auksts, lai atbalstītu cilvēku dzīvības. Siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisijas atmosfērā, paaugstināt ...
siltumnīcefekta gāzes
Natural environment; Climate change
Natural and industrial gases that trap heat from the Earth and warm the surface. The Kyoto Protocol restricts emissions of six greenhouse gases: natural (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) ...
inertā gāze
Natural environment; Climate change
Inert gases are those, including helium and neon, that are not normally chemically reactive. The inert gases argon and krypton are often used in sealed double glazing units because they don't conduct ...
Natural environment; Climate change
Metāns ir ogļūdeņraža, galvenais komponents, dabas gāzes un starp sešu siltumnīcefekta gāzu ierobežota saskaņā ar Kioto protokolu. Siltumnīcefekta gāze tiek lēsts, ir sasilšanas efekts 25 reizes ...
Natural environment; Climate change
Monokultūra ir prakse, stādīšanai vienu kultūru vai ģenētiski līdzīgu kultūru izplatīšanās plašā teritorijā. Audzētājiem tās priekšrocības ir tādas, ka kultūrai var zelt nosacījumos, kas pielāgoti ...
slāpekļa oksīdi
Natural environment; Climate change
Nitrogen oxides are compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, two elements that do not normally react with each other but will do so during high temperature combustion – such as in a car engine. Examples ...
Natural environment; Climate change
Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms. It has benefits and dangers depending on where in our atmosphere it occurs: near ground level, it is a pollutant that affects respiration; 10-50km up, in the ...
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