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Catholic church
The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Industry: Religion
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Catholic church
Catholic church
Religion; Catholic church
Noslēpums ir viens Dievs ar trim personām: tēvs, dēls un Svētais Gars. Atklāja patiesību par svēto Trīsvienību ir baznīcas dzīves ticību ļoti sakne, kas izteikts kredo. Mystery no Trinity pati par ...
Religion; Catholic church
The name given the "convocation" or "assembly" of the People God has called together from "the ends of the earth. " In Christian usage, the word "Church" has three inseparable meanings: the People ...
Religion; Catholic church
Noslēpumains notikums, kurā Jēzus, redzams, runājot ar Mozu un Elijah kalnā, tika pārveidots izskats - Peter James, John - aktuāli kā brīdis atklāt viņa dievišķo godību (554).
Religion; Catholic church
The mother of Jesus. Because she is the mother of Jesus--Son of God and second Person of the Blessed Trinity--according to the flesh, she is rightly called the Mother of God (Theotokos) (148, 495). ...
Jaunava Marija
Religion; Catholic church
The mother of Jesus, who is honored as "ever-virgin" for her perpetual virginity (499).
Religion; Catholic church
Morālā dēļ, kas saskaņā ar cardinal virtue, atturība, nodrošina veiksmīgu seksualitātes personā, kas ved uz iekšējo vienotību miesas un garīgo tiek (2337). Šķīstība sauc vienu no Svētā Gara (1832) ...
Religion; Catholic church
Cilvēks ticībā un patriarhs ar kuriem Dievs radīja paktu, kas solīja viņu zemi, kurā dzīvo Izraēlā un daudzās pēctečiem, lielisku cilvēku, kuram kungs būtu viņu Dievs. Abraham Dievā veidojas cilvēku, ...
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