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Catholic church
The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Catholic church
Religion; Catholic church
The condition of want experienced by those who are poor, whom Christ called "blessed," and for whom he had a special love (544). In imitation of Christ, the Church expresses her concern for the poor ...
Religion; Catholic church
Apgalvojums, ka laulības nesaraujamo saikni likumīgi ievadīti starp vīrieti un sievieti ir sadalīti. Pilsoniskās laulības līgums (laulības šķiršanas) likvidēšanas nevar atbrīvot personu no derīga ...
Katoļu baznīca
Religion; Catholic church
Baznīca, kas izveidota ar Kristus apustuļiem, kam ir pilnība pestīšanu, ko viņš ir gribējis līdzekļu pamats: pareizs un pabeigt konfesijas ticības, pilnu sakramenta dzīvi un ordinēts ministrijas ...
mises kanons
Religion; Catholic church
The central part of the Mass, also known as the Eucharistic Prayer or "anaphora," which contains the prayer of thanksgiving and consecration (1352).
Jaunava Marija
Religion; Catholic church
The mother of Jesus, who is honored as "ever-virgin" for her perpetual virginity.
Religion; Catholic church
Centru un kontaktpunktu baznīcas, kur lika klāt zem sakramenta Kristus upuri pie krusta zīmes MASS Starp Israēla altāra bija vieta, kur tika piedāvāti upurus Dievam. Christian altāra pārstāv divi ...
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