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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Contributors in Catholic church

Catholic church

Jaunā Derība

Religion; Catholic church

Svēta autori raksta apustulisko laikos, kas ir Jēzū Kristū, Dievs - iemiesot dēlu savu dzīvi, mācības, kaislību un cildināšana un baznīcai - kā to centrālā tēma pirmsākumiem Bībeli divdesmit septiņas ...

hypostatic savienība

Religion; Catholic church

Savienības dievišķo un cilvēka dabu viens dievišķo personu (grieķu: hypostasis) par Dieva dēlu, Jēzu Kristu (252, 468).

Kristus priesterība

Religion; Catholic church

Unikāls augstā priestera, Melchizedek secībā. Kristus izpildījuši visu, kas Vecā Derība priesterības prefigured. (sk. Heb 5:10, 6:20). Viņš piedāvājās pats vienreiz par visām reizēm (Heb 10:14), kā ...

reālā klātbūtne

Religion; Catholic church

Kristus sakraments saskaņā ar šķietamību, maizes un vīna vai sugu klātbūtne unikālu, true. Baznīca aicina ticīgos padziļināt savu ticību Kristus caur pielūgsmi un domu par Eucharistic liturģija un ...

latīņu rits

Religion; Catholic church

Liturģija, likumi un prakse baznīcas rietumos, atšķirībā no rituāliem un prakse austrumu baznīcas tradīcijas (1203).

Cilvēka Dēls

Religion; Catholic church

The title used by our Lord of himself in the Gospel. This title connotes a relationship with the eschatological figure of the "Son of man appearing in clouds and glory" in the prophecy of Daniel (Mk ...

Kunga lūgšana

Religion; Catholic church

The title early Christians gave to the prayer which Jesus entrusted to his disciples and to the Church (Mt 6:9-13). This fundamental Christian prayer is also called the "Our Father," which are its ...

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