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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Contributors in Catholic church

Catholic church


Religion; Catholic church

Tikums, kurā atsavina personai saskatīt labo un izvēlēties pareizo līdzekļus, lai to paveiktu. Kardināls morāli stiprā puse, ka kristiešu dzīvot saskaņā ar Kristus, apdomība tiesību atsavināt sniedz ...


Religion; Catholic church

Ietiepīga atteikšanās apstiprināt atklāja patiesību, vai pat neizpildīt šo patiesību (2089).

klusā nedēļa

Religion; Catholic church

The week preceding Easter, beginning with Palm (Passion) Sunday, called the "Great Week" in the liturgies of the Eastern Churches. It marks the Church's annual celebration of the events of Christ's ...

Marijas pasludināšanas diena

Religion; Catholic church

Eņģelis Gabriels vizīte Jaunavai Marijai informēt viņu, ka viņa bija jābūt Pestītāja māti. Pēc Dieva vārdu dot savu piekrišanu, Mērija kļuva par māti Jēzus ar jaudu Svēto Garu (484, ...


Religion; Catholic church

The virtue by which a Christian acknowledges that God is the author of all good. Humility avoids inordinate ambition or pride, and provides the foundation for turning to God in prayer (2559). ...

mākslīga kontracepcija

Religion; Catholic church

Izmantot mehāniskās, ķīmiskās vai medicīnas procedūras, lai aizkavētu ieņemšanu no notiek pēc dzimumakta; kontracepcijas aizskar atvērtību vairošanās pieprasa laulības, kā arī iekšējo patiesību ...

svēto sadraudzība

Religion; Catholic church

The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died. The communion of saints is professed in the Apostles' Creed, where it has also been interpreted to refer to unity in ...

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