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Fine art
Of, or pertaining to the creation of, any visual art that was considered to have been created for purely aesthetic purposes.
Industry: Arts & crafts
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Fine art
Fine art
Arts & crafts; Fine art
A building, place or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical or artistic value. The word Museum ...
ūdens krāsas
Arts & crafts; Fine art
Ūdens bāzes krāsas, kas ir caurspīdīgs mazgāt pigment; glezna saražotajām watercolors.
Arts & crafts; Fine art
Attēlu vai glezna, kur robežas ir nenoteikts un, šķiet, pamazām izgaist, līdz brīdim, kad tas pāriet uz fona.
digitālā druka
Arts & crafts; Fine art
Reprodukcija, kurā digitālo failu sākotnējā glezniecības iespiest īpašo tintes printeris, kas aerosoli tintes tieši uz substrāta virsmas. Šīs izdrukas, dažreiz sauc par giclees vai varavīksnenes ...
Arts & crafts; Fine art
Victorian amatniecības griešanas izklāstīti motīvi no papīra līmēšanas tos uz virsmas un piespieda pie kā daudzi slāņi laku, ir jāsniedz pilnīgi gluda apdare.
Arts & crafts; Fine art
Collage is from the French meaning "paste up". The combination of pieces of cloth, magazines and other found objects to create artwork.
Arts & crafts; Fine art
A color-printing process in which separate printing plates are used to apply each component color. Often called "four-color printing because the full range of color tones are achieved with only four ...