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AIDS prevention & treatment
The prevention and treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS, which is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The illness interferes with the immune system, making people with AIDS much more likely to get infections. HIV is transmitted through direct contact with HIV-infected body fluids, such as blood, semen, and genital secretions, or from an HIV-infected mother to her child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding (through breast milk).
Industry: Medical
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in AIDS prevention & treatment
AIDS prevention & treatment
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Izmanto, lai noteiktu asins tauku un holesterīna daudzumu samazināt narkotiku. Statīni bloka atslēga aknu enzīmu iesaistīts holesterīna līmeni.
antiretrovirālo (ARV)
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Lietotas, lai neļautu replicē retrovirus, piemēram, HIV, narkotikas. Termins galvenokārt attiecas uz HIV (ARV) antiretrovīrusu zāles.
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Izmantot, lai novērstu asins recēšanas narkotika.
asins plānāks
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Izmantot, lai novērstu asins recēšanas narkotika.
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Narkotiku, ko izmanto, lai novērstu baktēriju vairošanos. Bacteriostats nav nogalināt baktērijas.
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Narkotiku, ko izmanto, lai novērstu izaugsmi vai vīrusu replikāciju.
Nacionālās bibliotēkas Medicine (NLM)
Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment
Federālais institūts, pasaules lielākais medicīnas bibliotēka, kas ir radījusi PubMed, MEDLINE un MedlinePlus. Nacionālo bibliotēku no zāles (NLM) apkopo materiālus visās biomedicīnas un veselības ...