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An artificial process which perform some of the functions of a normal kidney when the child’s’ own kidneys are absent or not working properly.

  • Exchanging fluids through a catheter placed into the abdomen performs peritoneal dialysis. This form of dialysis can be performed at home.
  • Hemodialysis requires a machine and a catheter placed into a large vein close to the heart or by a large shunt placed surgically. It occurs intermittently (e.g. 3-times a week) for approximately 2-4 hours each.
  • CVVHD (continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration and CAVHD (continuous arterio-venous hemodiafiltration) are forms of dialysis used in an ICU/OR and require large catheters placed into arteries and/or veins that then allow blood to be filtered outside the body through an "artificial kidney. " This is continuously running and requires cooperative or sedated patients.
  • Vārdšķira: noun
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  • Nozare/domēns: Health care
  • Category: Hospitals
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მშრალი ვაშლის ბრენდი, რომელის საფრანგეთიდან-ნორმანდიის რეგიონიდან მოდის. იგი მსოფლიოში ყველაზე განთქმული ვაშლის ბრენდია. მისი გამოხდა ხდება ორჯერ ...