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Physical anthropology

The branch of anthropology that studies the development of the human race in the context of other primate species.

Contributors in Physical anthropology

Physical anthropology


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

The genetically inherited condition in which there is a marked deficiency of pigmentation in skin, hair, and eyes. An individual with these traits is an "albino. " Since the gene for albinism is ...


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

Ģenētiskā aplauzums no indivīdu. Genotipa var atsaukties uz visa organisma ģenētisko uzbūvi vai pie konkrēta lokusa alēles. Skatiet fenotips.


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

Pilnu ģenētisko papildināt individuāli (vai sugas). Cilvēkiem, tiek lēsts, ka katram indivīdam piemīt apmēram 3 miljardu nukleotīdu, viss, kas veido viņa vai viņas genoma DNS. Sk. cilvēka genoma ...


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

Neparasti zemu galveno ķermeņa temperatūra aukstā vidē ilgstošas iedarbības rezultātā. Tas var būt dzīvībai bīstamu stāvokli. Sk. hipertermija.


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

Unusually elevated core body temperature resulting from fever or prolonged exposure to a hot environment. This can be a life threatening condition. See hypothermia.


Anthropology; Physical anthropology

Dzelteni-sarkanais pigments no cilvēka žults. Asins un urīna parasti novērots nelielos daudzumos. Augsts bilirubīna līmeni asins un urīna krāsas maiņa, un āda kļūst dzeltens vai aizspriedumains. Tas ...

dzimuma hromosomas

Anthropology; Physical anthropology

The X and Y chromosomes which are responsible for determining whether an individual is a male or a female. Normal males inherit an X from their mother and a Y from their father. Normal females get an ...

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