Home > Nozare/domēns > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides


Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.

Contributors in Pesticides



Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Krāsu maiņa parasti zaļo augu daļas, kas izraisa slimības, trūkst barības vielu vai dažādām gaisa piesārņotāji.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Ferments atrodami dzīvnieku nervu impulsiem, kas regulē ar acetilholīns kavēšanas. Holīnesterāzes inhibēšanas ir saistīta ar dažādu akūtu simptomi, piemēram, slikta dūša, vemšana, neskaidra redze, ...


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

(Sk.: smagie metāli.)


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Changes in an organism's physiological structure or function or habits that allow it to survive in new surroundings.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Removal of a pollutant from air or water by collecting the pollutant on the surface of a solid material; e.g., an advanced method of treating waste in which activated carbon removes organic matter ...


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Life or processes that require, or are not destroyed by, the presence of oxygen. (See: anaerobic.)


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Any physical, chemical, or biological entity that can be harmful to an organism (synonymous with stressors.)

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