Home > Nozare/domēns > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides


Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.

Contributors in Pesticides



Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

In biology, any biological entity or processes, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions. 2. In chemistry, a substance that shows a visible change, ...


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

1. An organism, often an insect or rodent, that carries disease. 2. Plasmids, viruses, or bacteria used to transport genes into a host cell. A gene is placed in the vector; the vector then "infects" ...

Polivinilhlorīds (PVC)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Grūts, ekoloģiski neiznīcināms plastmasas, kas izdala sālsskābi, kad dega.

toksiskas mākonis

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Gaisā plume gāzes, tvaiki, dūmi vai aerosoliem, kas satur toksisku materiālu.

toksiska koncentrācija

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Koncentrāciju, kādā viela rada toksisku iedarbību.

toksiskā deva

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Devas līmenis, pie kura viela rada toksisku iedarbību.

toksiskais piesārņotājs

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Materiāli, kas izraisa nāvi, slimības vai iedzimtiem defektiem attiecībā uz organismiem, kas norīt vai apgūt tos. Daudzumu un riska, nepieciešams radīt šīs sekas var būt ļoti ...

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