Home > Nozare/domēns > Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides
Any chemical or substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, tress, timber and other vegetation useful to humans.
Contributors in Pesticides
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Grādu, uz kuru zemes, grants, nogulsnēs vai akmens ir permeated ar poras vai pārvietot dobumu, caur kurām ūdens vai gaiss.
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A channel or conduit that carries wastewater and storm-water runoff from the source to a treatment plant or receiving stream. "Sanitary" sewers carry household, industrial, and commercial waste. ...
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Visai sistēmai notekūdeņu savākšanas, apstrādes un iznīcināšanas.
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Nogulumiežu materiāli, kas sastāv no smalkas vai vidēja lieluma minerālu daļiņas.
mīksts ūdens
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Ūdens, kas nesatur ievērojamu izšķīdušo minerālvielu, piem., kalcija un magnija sāļi.