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Organic chemistry
Industry: Chemistry
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry
alumīnija oleāts
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Soaplike salikts no alumīnija un oleīnskābe, izmanto eļļošanas eļļas un ziedes uzlabot to viskozitāti.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
A salt with the radical HC 4 H 4 O 6 _. Also known as acid tartrate.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 10 H 18 O A colorless oil with a camphorlike odor; boiling point is 174–177_C; used in pharmaceuticals, perfumery, and flavoring. Also known as cajeputol; cineol.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
(HCHO) n polimēru formaldehīda, kur n ir lielāks par 6; balts, sārmu metālu šķīstošo cieto, nešķīstošo spirta, ētera un ūdenī; izmanto kā dezinfekcijas līdzekli, dezinficējoši un fungicīdu un padarīt ...
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 16 H 14 Cl 2 O 3 A yellow-brown, viscous liquid with a melting point of 35–37_C; used as a miticide in agriculture and horticulture.
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
C 13 H 10 Cl 2 O 2 A white, crystalline compound with a melting point of 177–178_C; used as an agricultural fungicide, germicide in soaps, and antihelminthic drug in humans.
rūpnieciskais spirts
Chemistry; Organic chemistry
Acetāti, ketoniem, benzīna vai citas piedevas, padarīt to nederīgu dzērienu nolūkos ir denaturēts etilspirts.