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The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths, or to a body of myths. Comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures. In the study of folklore, a myth is a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form. Many scholars in other fields use the term "myth" in somewhat different ways. In a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.
Industry: Anthropology; Religion
Pievienot jaunu terminuContributors in Mythology
Anthropology; Mythology
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Anthropology; Mythology
Grieķu mitoloģijā lete bija viens Hades piecas upes. Lete aizplūda ap Hypnos alu un caur milzīgo apakšējās pasaules bezdibeni, kur visiem cilvēkiem, kas iedzer no tā radās pilnīga ...
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Anthropology; Mythology
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Anthropology; Mythology
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