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Contributors in Hospitals


operāciju zāle

Health care; Hospitals

Iekārta, kas aprīkota, lai veiktu operāciju.


Health care; Hospitals

Letālu iznākumu, nāves.

plaušu kontūzija

Health care; Hospitals

A bruise in the lung caused by an injury to the chest.


Health care; Hospitals

Mazo balto asins šūnu (leikocītu), spēlē lielu lomu, aizstāvot ķermeņa aizsardzību pret slimību. Limfocītu ir atbildīgi par imūnās atbildes. Pastāv divi galvenie veidi limfocīti: B šūnu un T-šūnu. B ...


Health care; Hospitals

Disappearance of the signs and symptoms of cancer or other disease. When this happens, the disease is said to be "in remission." A remission can be temporary or permanent.


Health care; Hospitals

Smalka migla vai aerosoliem, kas satur sīkas daļiņas. Zāles var aerosolized, smidzinātājs un ieelpot kā ārstēšanas veidu.


Health care; Hospitals

Commonly called a "blood stream infection." It is the presence of bacteria (bacteremia), infectious organisms, or their toxins in the blood or other tissues of the body. Sepsis may be associated with ...

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