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Handball is a team sport usually played with seven players on each team one of whom is a goalie, the object of the game is to throw the ball into the opposing team's goal. There are usually two 30 minute periods at the end of the game the team with the most goals wins.
Industry: Sports
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Sports; Handball
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garā līnija
Sports; Handball
Trīs sienas Handbols ilgi kalpo ir kalpot, kas pieskaras priekšējā sienā, un tad iet pagātnes gari līnijas, pirms tas skar grīdu.
ilgi kalpo
Sports; Handball
Kad kalpot hits sienu, pirms tas atsitas pret grīdu. , Zināms arī kā "ilgi balle".
deviņu metru līnijas
Sports; Handball
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