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Of or pertaining to the change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

Contributors in Evolution



Archaeology; Evolution

Proteīni, kas var piesaistīt citas īpašas molekulas. Parasti uz šūnu virsmas, receptoriem bieži piesaistīt antivielas vai hormoni.


Archaeology; Evolution

Plant life; often used to distinguish from animal life ("fauna").


Archaeology; Evolution

One or more changes in form during the life cycle of an organism, such as an amphibian or insect, in which the juvenile stages differ from the adult. An example is the transition from a tadpole to an ...


Archaeology; Evolution

Viens no alternatīvās formas gēns. Piemēram, ja gēnu nosaka sēklu krāsa, zirņu, zaļā sēklas un citu alēle augļi dzelteni sēklas, var radīt vienu šī gēna alēļu. Diploīds šūnas parasti ir divas alēles ...

Homo sapiens

Archaeology; Evolution

Mūsdienu cilvēkam, kas attīstījās uz to pašreizējā formā aptuveni 100.000 gadus atpakaļ.


Archaeology; Evolution

Microscopic aquatic organisms that, like plants, use photosynthesis to capture and harness solar energy.

evolūcijas klasifikācija

Archaeology; Evolution

Veidu klasifikācija, izmantojot cladistic un phenetic classificatory principiem. Precīzāk izsakoties, tas ļauj paraphyletic (kas atļauti phenetic bet ne cladistic klasifikācija) un monophyletic ...

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