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Alternative therapy

Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.

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universālie milti

Baked goods; Bread

Maisījums, cieto un mīksto kviešu milti, tostarp lipekli, kas cepšanas vairumā gadījumu var izmantot


Baked goods; Bread

Narrow, long, and prevalent in France, this loaf can be up to three feet long, though is usually found in two-feet proportions. It is traditionally only made from flour, water, ...

balti milti

Baked goods; Bread

Flour that uses a chemical agent to bleach it when processed because fresh wheat flour does not consistently yield good products. As flour ages with time, it whitens and become a ...


Baked goods; Bread

Koka paplātes ar rokturi, laist Mīklas vai izraksts no akmens cepšanai izmantoto rīku tipu


Baked goods; Bread

Process, kas notiek, kad mīkla tiek atstāts uz atpūtu; raugs ir iespēja aktivizēt un vielmaiņu cukuri, kas ražo oglekļa dioksīda un neliels daudzums alkohola. Mīklas paceļas kā ...


Baked goods; Bread

Baktērijas, kas mijiedarbojas ar savvaļas raugs laikā fermentācijas procesā, veidojot skābu reakciju un oglekļa dioksīdu.

kviešu milti

Baked goods; Bread

Varieties of wheat flour include over 30,000 types (exclusive to the United States) and is organized into six categories: hard red spring, hard and soft red winter, hard and soft ...
