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Alternative therapy

Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.

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Haleja komēta

Astronomy; Solar system

Haleja komēta ir labi pazīstams īsā laikā komēta (komētu, kas bieži parādās salīdzinoši zemes atmosfērā), kas ir redzams no zemes katru 75-76 gadi. Atšķirībā no citiem īstermiņa ...


Astronomy; Galaxy

Galaktikas ir masveida, gravitācijas saistītā sistēma, kas sastāv no zvaigznēm un zvaigžņu paliekas, starpzvaigžņu vidē gāzes putekļu un nozīmīgs, bet nav pietiekami izprasta ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

Punkts tieši debesīs virs galvas.


Astronomy; General astronomy

The point where (and when) an object's orbit ''about the earth'' in which it is closest to the earth; only applicable to objects orbiting the earth (not to objects orbiting the ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

In astronomy, the measurement of the light emitting from astronomical objects, generally in the visible or infrared bands, in which a specific or general wavelength band is ...

orbītas elementi

Astronomy; General astronomy

Parameters (numbers) that determine an object's location and motion in its orbit about another object. In the case of solar-system objects such as comets and planets, one must ...


Astronomy; General astronomy

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