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Alternative therapy

Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.

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Alternative therapy >


Pharmaceutical; Clinical trials

Procesi (ar dzīvo organismu) absorbcijas, sadalījumu, metabolismu un izdalīšanos no narkotikām vai vakcīnu.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A group of interbreeding organisms occupying a particular space; the number of humans or other living creatures in a designated area.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Refers to those hazardous wastes that are normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not explode.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Ecological entity exposed to a stressor.


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Manipulation of cells to cause them to develop into whole plants.

riska faktors

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Īpašības (piemēram, rases, dzimuma, vecuma, aptaukošanās) vai mainīgajiem lielumiem (piemēram, smēķēšanu, arodveselības iedarbības līmenis) saistīta ar lielāku varbūtību toksiska ...


Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

1. A reproductively isolated aggregate of interbreeding organisms having common attributes and usually designated by a common name.2. An organism belonging to belonging to such a ...
