U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who tests rolls of cellophane for conformance with specified winding tension. Respnsibilities include: * Slides roll onto shaft of testing frame. * Threads film from roll around rewind and tension rollers and turns setscrews to secure cellophane to clip on sliding bar. * Turns handwheels to move sliding bar that pulls cellophane predetermined distance from roll and to press tension roller against film to apply specified tension. * Reads rule gauge to measure slack in film between rewind roller and sliding bar. * Cuts cellophane from roll, using knife. * Records number and width of tested roll, amount of tension applied, and degree of slack. * May examine cellophane for defects such as discoloration, wrinkles, scratches, and holes.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who inspects and tests sample lots of varnish for conformance to specifications. Respnsibilities include: * Pours sample varnish into spray gun reservoir, adjusts nozzle of spray gun, and sprays wood, paper, tile, or steel panels, using knowledge of spray painting techniques to obtain uniform coating on panels. * Places panels in oven or under heat lamps to dry varnish. * Inspects dried varnish for clearness, cracks, crystallization, and drying qualities. * Compares sample color with standard varnish colors to determine adherence to color specifications. * Dips strip of indicator paper into sample and observes color change of paper to determine acidity of varnish. * Tests viscosity of varnish by comparing flow of sample varnish to flow of standard varnish in test tubes. * Weighs sample to determine weight per gallon.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that controls moisture content of stored explosive mixtures and their ingredients, used in detonators, primers, and fuses for shells, cartridges, and bombs according to prescribed standards. Respnsibilities include: * Scoops chemicals from rubber containers into paper- or cloth-lined trays. * Places trays on racks in steam-heated drying or humidified rooms for specified time to dehydrate or moisten chemicals. * Observes recording instruments and turns valves to maintain temperature and humidity of rooms within prescribed safety limits. * Records storage time to identify material of specified moisture content for further processing. * Turns valves to drain explosive material from mixing-room waste collection tank into vat in which it is cooked to render it harmless for disposal. * Shovels designated quantity of caustic soda and aluminum chips into vat and closes loading hatch. * Turns valves to admit steam into heating coils and sets automatic timer for prescribed cooking period. * Drains vat of cooked material and flushes out sediment. * Cleans utensils, floors, and walls, using water hose, to remove accumulations of explosive material in accordance with safety regulations. * May screen and blend materials, such as powder, shellac, and ground glass.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends pumps to transfer grease and tallow from rendering tank to storage tanks, tankcars, and shipping containers. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves and starts pumps to start flow of material; stops flow when material reaches specified level. * Observes measuring gauge reading on storage tank or measures material, using measuring rod, and compares reading with conversion chart to determine poundage pumped. * Records poundage stored and shipped.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends tanks in which viscose slurry is aged and blended for use in rayon and cellophane production. Respnsibilities include: * Pumps slurry from mixing machines to blending and aging tanks, and from tanks to processing area after specified time. * Records aging time for each batch in plant log. * May tend tanks in which cellulose (viscose raw material) is aged, by moving controls to maintain tank temperature or room temperature at prescribed level, and be designated Ripening-Room Operator.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends evaporators, rotary vacuum filters, kilns, and coolers that purify and remove moisture from brine to make salt. Respnsibilities include: * Turns switches and valves to start equipment, pumps, and flow of steam and brine. * Lights fires in kiln, using torch. * Observes recorders and gauges and adjusts controls to maintain specified temperature. * Records salinity, temperature, and vacuum readings. * Reports equipment malfunctioning to maintenance department. * Removes residue from evaporators by flushing them with water.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who straightens seasoned thermoplastics rods or tubes by immersing them in hot water and rolling them across flat surface. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve to fill soaking tank with hot water and places rods or tubes into tank to soften them. * Removes softened rods or tubes from tank and rolls them across flat table surface to straighten them. * Sprays straightened stock with cold water and lays stock on racks. * Records number of tubes or rods straightened.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who straightens seasoned thermoplastics rods or tubes by immersing them in hot water and rolling them across flat surface. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve to fill soaking tank with hot water and places rods or tubes into tank to soften them. * Removes softened rods or tubes from tank and rolls them across flat table surface to straighten them. * Sprays straightened stock with cold water and lays stock on racks. * Records number of tubes or rods straightened.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who controls rotary or spray sulfur furnaces and alkali absorption towers to make cooking acid for use in digesting woodpulp. Respnsibilities include: * Moves controls and observes gauges to regulate combustion chamber, speed of furnace rotation, and volume of liquid sulfur in furnace to maintain specified temperature and acidity required to produce sulfur dioxide gas. * Adjusts valves to regulate flow of water and sulfur dioxide gas through alkali absorption towers according to titration tests to produce cooking acid of specified concentration. * Starts pumps to pump acid through filters and to storage tanks. * Chips slag from furnace, using chipping bar. * May make titration tests of produced acid.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who controls system of tanks to wash and reduce acidity of activated carbon sludge, preparatory to drying, for variety of industrial and consumer applications. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves to regulate flow of acid, carbon sludge, and water through thickener and agitator tanks according to tank-level and specific gravity readings supplied by wash helper. * Draws sample of product in beaker and tests for acidity, using pH meter and standard titration test. * Compares level of solution in graduated suction tube with conversion chart to determine acidity of sludge. * Turns valve to admit caustic solution to neutralizer tank until acidity level meets prescribed standard. * Patrols work area to observe level of carbon in thickener tank and wash solutions in overflow troughs to prevent spills, regulating pump speeds as necessary. * Gauges tank levels, using calibrated rod. * Keeps records of tank levels and test results for shift log.
Industry:Professional careers