U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who adjusts anodes on electrolytic cells to regulate voltage, using handtools. Respnsibilities include: * Attaches voltmeter wires to cell and millivoltmeter wires to anode and observes readings to determine adjustments required. * Loosens locknut and position nut, using wrenches, to lower anode until specified voltage reading is attained. * Records cell voltage readings before and after adjustments and records number of anodes adjusted. * May examine and repair defective cells or notify maintenance personnel of repairs needed. * May clean cells and clear clogged feedlines, using scrapers, brushes, and rod. * May seal cell leaks, using putty.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who adjusts anodes on electrolytic cells to regulate voltage, using handtools. Respnsibilities include: * Attaches voltmeter wires to cell and millivoltmeter wires to anode and observes readings to determine adjustments required. * Loosens locknut and position nut, using wrenches, to lower anode until specified voltage reading is attained. * Records cell voltage readings before and after adjustments and records number of anodes adjusted. * May examine and repair defective cells or notify maintenance personnel of repairs needed. * May clean cells and clear clogged feedlines, using scrapers, brushes, and rod. * May seal cell leaks, using putty.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends catalytic converters that alter chemical composition of liquid or gaseous substances as directed by catalytic-converter operator. Respnsibilities include: * Moves controls to set material feed, temperature, and pressure regulators at specified values. * Monitors operation of pumps and auxiliary equipment, such as heat exchangers and absorbers, and moves controls to maintain operating equilibrium in auxiliaries as directed. * Assists other workers in changing catalyst in reactor units. * Turns valves to purge converters and sets thermostat on catalyst regenerators to rejuvenate spent catalyst. * Records instrument readings in operating log. * May be designated according to product produced as butadiene-converter helper; ethylbenzene-converter helper; ethylene-plant helper; or according to chemical reaction effected as dehydrogenation-converter helper.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends automatic equipment that produces sulfuric acid by contact process: Turns valves and moves levers to start and stop flow of liquids and gases through converter, heat exchangers, absorber, cooler, and related equipment as indicated. * Monitors lights, gauges, and recording instruments on control panel to determine that temperature, steam pressure, and flow of materials through system conform to plant standards. * Patrols equipment area and records gauge readings at specified intervals for operating log. * Collects sample of product for laboratory analysis and performs tests to determine specific gravity and percentage of sulfuric acid being processed. * Periodically examines emission exits to determine that anti-pollution standards are met.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends tanks, absorption tower, and related equipment that produces cuprous chloride for use as process catalyst, as directed by cuprous-chloride operator. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves to transfer materials through auxiliary units, such as coolers, condensers, and absorbers, and to storage tanks. * Assists cuprous-chloride operator in charging reaction tank with powdered copper. * Records gauge readings and shift production for operating log. * Patrols work area to detect and report malfunctions.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends devulcanizers that process ground scrap rubber with chemical compounds under steam pressure to produce reclaim rubber. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valves and observes gauges to drain specified quantities of materials, such as oil, pigments, and water onto scrap rubber in devulcanizer. * Closes and bolts loading hatch to seal devulcanizer. * Turns valves and observes gauges to maintain specified operating temperature and release steam pressure when unloading devulcanizer. * May attach specified cycle chart to automatic timer. * Records production data. * May open discharge valve, allowing steam pressure to blow devulcanized rubber into holding tank. * May weigh and dump ground scrap rubber into devulcanizers. * May tend high-pressure devulcanizer and be designated High-Pressure Devulcanizer Operator.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends heated kettle and auxiliary equipment to process molten lead and nitric acid into lead nitrate. Respnsibilities include: * Loads lead-melting kettle with lead ingots, using hoist. * Turns valves to regulate flow of fuel oil and air, and tends stoker or shovels coal to fire furnace that melts lead in kettle. * Ladles molten lead into trough or tips melting kettle to pour molten lead into trough for transfer to vat containing nitric acid where ingredients combine to form lead nitrate. * Turns outlet valve to transfer lead nitrate to filter press for removal of impurities. * Tests sample of filtrate for purity by observing color or using litmus paper. * Starts pumps to transfer batch to storage tank. * Gauges contents of tanks, using calibrated stick, and records quantity on batch card. * May ladle molten lead into vats containing cold water to cause solidification into irregular, spongelike shapes, exposing more surface area for faster chemical reaction in subsequent process treatment. * May drain off water and shovel solidified sponged lead onto conveyor for further processing.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends heated kettle and auxiliary equipment to process molten lead and nitric acid into lead nitrate. Respnsibilities include: * Loads lead-melting kettle with lead ingots, using hoist. * Turns valves to regulate flow of fuel oil and air, and tends stoker or shovels coal to fire furnace that melts lead in kettle. * Ladles molten lead into trough or tips melting kettle to pour molten lead into trough for transfer to vat containing nitric acid where ingredients combine to form lead nitrate. * Turns outlet valve to transfer lead nitrate to filter press for removal of impurities. * Tests sample of filtrate for purity by observing color or using litmus paper. * Starts pumps to transfer batch to storage tank. * Gauges contents of tanks, using calibrated stick, and records quantity on batch card. * May ladle molten lead into vats containing cold water to cause solidification into irregular, spongelike shapes, exposing more surface area for faster chemical reaction in subsequent process treatment. * May drain off water and shovel solidified sponged lead onto conveyor for further processing.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who assists polymerization-kettle operator in polymerizing raw resin materials to form phenolic, acrylic, and polyester resins. Respnsibilities include: * Starts pumps and turns valves to route raw materials into designated reactor vessels. * Dumps powdered ingredients and resins into reactors by hand or using hoist. * Turns reactor discharge valve to allow material to flow through funnel into drums to fill drums with base and blended resins. * Marks product data on drums, using precut stencils, ink, and brushes. * Makes new stencils as necessary, using stencil-cutting machine. * Transports materials in production area, using handtruck and powered hoists. * Taps reactors to obtain test samples for laboratory tests. * Starts pumps and opens valves to pump resin from storage tanks into tank trucks or railroad cars for shipment. * May tend coolers to reduce temperature of resins after polymerization. * Performs other duties as described under helper master title.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends vats in which fats or vegetable and animal oils are processed into glycerin and fatty acid. Respnsibilities include: * Pumps specified amount of fat or oil into vat and admits prescribed quantity of sulfuric acid from storage tank. * Observes gauges and thermometer and turns steam valves to boil contents of vat. * Pumps oil or fat to second vat and adds specified amount of distilled water and Twitchell's reagent. * Starts agitator in vat and turns steam valves to boil mixture for prescribed time. * Observes mixture through sight glass in pump line and turns valves to transfer fractions of product having different color and density to respective storage tanks. * Records shift production, materials used, and heating and agitating time.
Industry:Professional careers