- Industry: Art history
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A picture made up of small parts. Traditionally these parts were made out of terracotta, pieces of glass, ceramics or marble, inlayed into floors and walls. Mosaic has been used as a decorative medium for over five thousand years. It was the Islamic mosaics introduced to Spain by the Moors in the eighth century that inspired the twentieth-century Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, who arranged pieces of broken glazed tiles with fragments of glass bottles and china plates over walls in the Park Güell and in parts of the cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona. Mosaics also became popular in Mexico, particularly in the art of Diego Rivera and Juan O'Gorman, who used stone mosaics in their murals that were based on socialist ideas and exalted the indigenous and popular heritage in Mexican culture (see Mexican Muralism). This workaday ethic became popular again in the 1970s when artists began rediscovering craft-based techniques. The British artist Matt Collishaw made a ceramic tile mosaic of a woman's face taken from a grainy photograph of a woman found on the internet.
Industry:Art history
Sudarytas iš smulkių detalių vaizdą. Tradiciškai šių dalių pagaminti iš terakotos, stiklo, keramikos ar marmuro, inlayed į grindis ir sienas. Mozaikos buvo naudojamas kaip dekoratyvinis daugiau nei penki tūkstančiai metų. Buvo islamo Mozaika pristatė į Ispaniją, maurų aštuntame amžiuje kad XX-ojo amžiaus katalonų architekto Antoni Gaudi, kuris gabalai skaldytų stiklo plytelės su dalelės stikliniuose buteliuose ir Kinijos plokštės per sienas Park Güell ir dalių katedra Sagrada Familia, Barselona. Mozaika tapo populiarus Meksikoje, ypač meno Diego Rivera ir Juan O'Gorman, kurie naudojami akmenų Mozaika savo freskomis, kad rėmėsi socialistinės idėjos ir išaukštintas vietinių ir populiarus paveldo Meksikos kultūra (žr. Meksikos Muralism). Šis kasdieniškas etika tapo populiarus vėl kai menininkai pradėjo atrado amatininkų metodus aštuntajame dešimtmetyje. The britų menininkas Matt Collishaw padarė keraminių plytelių Mozaika moters veidas iš grūdėtas nuotraukos moters rasti internete.
Industry:Art history
Attēls, kas sastāv no sīkām detaļām. Tradicionāli šīs daļas ir izgatavotas no terakota, stikla, keramikas vai marmora grīdām un sienām inlayed gabalus. Mozaīkas izmanto kā dekoratīvu vidē vairāk nekā pieciem tūkstošiem gadu. Tas bija islāma mozaīkas Spānijā ieviestie Moors astotajā gadsimtā, kas iedvesmoja divdesmitā gadsimta kataloniešu arhitekts Antonio Gaudi, kas kārtoja bojātas glazētu mozaīkas gabaliņus ar fragmenti no stikla pudelēm un Ķīnas plāksnēm pāri sienām Park Güell un daļām katedrāles Sagrada Familia, Barcelona. Mozaīka arī kļuva populāra Meksikā, jo īpaši mākslas Diego Rivera un Juan O'Gorman, kuri izmantojuši akmens mozaīkām viņu murals, kas balstījās uz sociālisma idejas un cildens pamatiedzīvotāju un tautas kultūras mantojuma Meksikas kultūrā (skatīt Meksikas Muralism). Šī ikdienišķs ētika kļuva populāra atkal 1970, kad mākslinieki sāka rediscovering amatniecību balstītas metodes. Britu mākslinieku Matt Collishaw lika keramikas flīžu mozaīkas no sievietes sejas, kas ņemti no fotogrāfija, kurā sieviete, kas atrodams internetā.
Industry:Art history
A picture made up of small parts. Traditionally these parts were made out of terracotta, pieces of glass, ceramics or marble, inlayed into floors and walls. Mosaic has been used as a decorative medium for over five thousand years. It was the Islamic mosaics introduced to Spain by the Moors in the eighth century that inspired the twentieth-century Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, who arranged pieces of broken glazed tiles with fragments of glass bottles and china plates over walls in the Park Güell and in parts of the cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona. Mosaics also became popular in Mexico, particularly in the art of Diego Rivera and Juan O'Gorman, who used stone mosaics in their murals that were based on socialist ideas and exalted the indigenous and popular heritage in Mexican culture (see Mexican Muralism). This workaday ethic became popular again in the 1970s when artists began rediscovering craft-based techniques. The British artist Matt Collishaw made a ceramic tile mosaic of a woman's face taken from a grainy photograph of a woman found on the internet.
Industry:Art history
Een afbeelding die bestaat uit kleine onderdelen. Traditioneel werden deze onderdelen gemaakt uit terracotta, stukjes glas, keramiek of marmer, ingelegd in vloeren en muren. Mozaïek is gebruikt als een decoratieve medium voor meer dan vijfduizend jaar. Het was de islamitische mozaïeken geïntroduceerd in Spanje door de Moren in de achtste eeuw dat geïnspireerd de twintigste-eeuwse Catalaanse architect Antoni Gaudí, die gerangschikt van stukjes van gebroken geglazuurde tegels met fragmenten van glazen flessen en platen van china over muren in het Park Güell en in delen van de kathedraal van de Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona. Mozaïeken werd ook populair in Mexico, met name in de kunst van Diego Rivera en Juan O'Gorman, die stenen mozaïeken in hun muurschilderingen die waren gebaseerd op socialistische ideeën en verheven het inheemse en populaire erfgoed in Mexicaanse cultuur (Zie Mexicaanse Muralism) gebruikt. Deze workaday ethiek werd populair opnieuw in de jaren zeventig wanneer kunstenaars begon herontdekking van ambachtelijke gebaseerde technieken. De Britse kunstenaar Matt Collishaw maakte een keramische tegel mozaïek van een vrouw gezicht ontleend aan een korrelige foto van een vrouw gevonden op het internet.
Industry:Art history
Uma imagem composta de pequenas peças. Tradicionalmente estas peças foram feitas de terracota, pedaços de vidro, cerâmica ou mármore, inlayed em pisos e paredes. Mosaico tem sido usado como um meio decorativo há mais de cinco mil anos. Era os mosaicos islâmicos introduzidos a Espanha pelos mouros no século VIII que inspirou o catalão do século XX o arquitecto Antoni Gaudí, que organizou peças de azulejos quebrados com fragmentos de garrafas de vidro e chapas de china sobre paredes o Parque Güell e em partes da Catedral da Sagrada Família, em Barcelona. Mosaicos também se tornou populares no México, particularmente na arte de Diego Rivera e Juan O'Gorman, que usaram pedras mosaicos em seus murais que são baseados nas idéias socialistas e exaltada a herança indígena e popular na cultura mexicana (ver muralismo mexicano). Esta ética do cotidiano tornou-se popular novamente na década de 1970 quando artistas começaram a redescobrir técnicas artesanais. o britânico artista Matt Collishaw fez um mosaico de revestimentos cerâmicos de um rosto feminino tirado uma fotografia granulada de uma mulher que encontrei na internet.
Industry:Art history
O imagine format din piese de mici dimensiuni. În mod tradiţional aceste părţi au fost făcute din teracotă, bucati de sticla, ceramica sau marmura, încrustate în pardoseală şi pereţi. Mozaicul a fost folosit ca un suport decorativ pentru peste cinci mii de ani. A fost mozaicurile islamice introdus în Spania de mauri în secolul al optulea care a inspirat Catalana din secolul al XX-lea arhitect Antoni Gaudí, care a aranjat piese de spart glazurata cu fragmente de sticle de sticlă şi plăci de china peste ziduri în Parcul Güell şi în părţi de catedrala Sagrada Familia, Barcelona. Mozaicuri, de asemenea, a devenit popular în Mexic, în special în arta Diego Rivera şi Juan O'Gorman, care a folosit piatra mozaic în lor picturi murale care s-au bazat pe ideile socialiste şi înălţat patrimoniul indigene şi popular în cultura mexicană (a se vedea Mexican Muralism). Acest etica de munca a devenit popular în anii 1970 când artiştii au început redescoperirea tehnici bazate pe ambarcaţiunile. Artistul britanic Matt Collishaw făcut o ceramică placi de mozaic din fata de o femeie luate de la o fotografie granular de o femeie de găsit pe internet.
Industry:Art history
A picture made up of small parts. Traditionally these parts were made out of terracotta, pieces of glass, ceramics or marble, inlayed into floors and walls. Mosaic has been used as a decorative medium for over five thousand years. It was the Islamic mosaics introduced to Spain by the Moors in the eighth century that inspired the twentieth-century Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, who arranged pieces of broken glazed tiles with fragments of glass bottles and china plates over walls in the Park Güell and in parts of the cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona. Mosaics also became popular in Mexico, particularly in the art of Diego Rivera and Juan O'Gorman, who used stone mosaics in their murals that were based on socialist ideas and exalted the indigenous and popular heritage in Mexican culture (see Mexican Muralism). This workaday ethic became popular again in the 1970s when artists began rediscovering craft-based techniques. The British artist Matt Collishaw made a ceramic tile mosaic of a woman's face taken from a grainy photograph of a woman found on the internet.
Industry:Art history
A picture made up of small parts. Traditionally these parts were made out of terracotta, pieces of glass, ceramics or marble, inlayed into floors and walls. Mosaic has been used as a decorative medium for over five thousand years. It was the Islamic mosaics introduced to Spain by the Moors in the eighth century that inspired the twentieth-century Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, who arranged pieces of broken glazed tiles with fragments of glass bottles and china plates over walls in the Park Güell and in parts of the cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona. Mosaics also became popular in Mexico, particularly in the art of Diego Rivera and Juan O'Gorman, who used stone mosaics in their murals that were based on socialist ideas and exalted the indigenous and popular heritage in Mexican culture (see Mexican Muralism). This workaday ethic became popular again in the 1970s when artists began rediscovering craft-based techniques. The British artist Matt Collishaw made a ceramic tile mosaic of a woman's face taken from a grainy photograph of a woman found on the internet.
Industry:Art history
படம் ஒரு சிறிய பாகங்கள் ஆனவை. நடப்பவர்களுக்கு இந்த பகுதிகளில் இருந்து terracotta, கண்ணாடி, பீங்கான் அல்லது சலவைக்கல், தளங்கள் ஆகியவற்றில் சுவர்கள் inlayed pieces மேற்கொண்ட. Mosaic செய்துள்ளது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது பயன்படுத்த ஒரு அலங்கரிக்கப்பட்ட நடுத்தர ஐந்து ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுகள். , இஸ்லாமிய mosaics மூலம் Moors எட்டாவது நூற்றாண்டில் ஸ்பெயின் அறிமுகம் என்று twentieth-ம் கடாலன் ஈர்க்கப்பட்டு architect உடைந்த சீனா அடுக்குகளை கொண்ட fragments கண்ணாடி பாட்டில்கள் மற்றும் மேல் சுவர்கள் பூங்கா Güell மற்றும், Sagrada Familia, உள்ள பார்சிலோனாவில் கதீட்ரல் பகுதிகளில் சீனா தட்டுகள் pieces அமைத்து Antoni Gaudí இருந்தது. Mosaics மேலும் பெற்றவர் மெக்ஸிகோ, குறிப்பாக டியாகோ ரிவேரா மற்றும் சோசலிச யோசனைகள் அடிப்படையில் பேர் மற்றும் மெக்சிகோ பண்பாடு (பார்க்கவும் மெக்சிகோ Muralism) அங்கக மற்றும் பிரபலமான பாரம்பரியமிக்க exalted அவர்களின் murals கல் mosaics பயன்படுத்தப்படும் ஜுவான் O'Gorman கலை. போது கலைஞர்கள் தொடங்கியது கைவினை-சார்ந்த உத்திகள் rediscovering ப்னோம் உள்ள மீண்டும் இந்த workaday கீழ் புகார் பெற்றவர். தி பிரிட்டிஷ் கலைஞர் Matt Collishaw, ஒரு பெண் முகம் grainy புகைப்படம் ஒன்று இணையத்தில் கண்டுபிடிக்க ஒரு பெண் இருந்து எடுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு சுடுமண் அடுக்கு mosaic செய்த.
Industry:Art history