Category: Technology
Created by: General
Number of Blossarys: 5
404 - a not found error. This error message occurs on web browsers when server cannot find content (eg. dead link, page deleted).
Anonymous is a vague network of hacktavists often in the news for their DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks and trademark Guy Fawkes masks. The loosely-organised collective originated on ...
501 – not implemented error. This error message occurs on web browsers when a server is not responding or is overloaded.
Spritz is a high speed reading tool that operates on the theory that your eye spends about 80% of reading time moving from one word to another, and when it does, looks at the center of a word to ...
Fast content consumption is the term used to define a way we quickly gather and consume smaller amounts of information; particularly that gathered from the internet. According to studies, each ...
Optimal Recognition Position (ORP) is process of highlighting the single letter in a word that is crucial for your brain to process the whole word.
Acqui-hire; which is a portmanteau of "acquisition" and "hire", is a term used to describe the process of acquiring a company to recruit its employees, without necessarily showing an interest in its ...
By: General