Home > Blossary: Role Play Games (RPG)
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Category: Entertainment

19 Terms

Created by: paul01234

Number of Blossarys: 51

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Items worn by the character as a main means of survival; works the same way as clothes do except they actually provide defense increases and status boosts and may save the character from imminent ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

May also be known as gald, zenny or in any other name depending on the game; is the monetary object or cash system of the game which is used to purchase items or equipment and may be gained by either ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

Also known the re-spawn point; a place usually notable as it may be glowing and indicated earlier to serve such a purpose or may even be actual places like inns; usually used to "backup" a character ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

Refers to the site in-game where a character can keep items that have no immediate use; may refer to actual places like banks and treasuries or even chests wherever they may be located or may refer ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

The character's readily accessible storage for items newly acquired; usually has a limit as to how much can be carried and may also affect the character's status (i.e. character is overweight = ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

Refers to the work or class the character may be in or capable of progressing into; usually determines both the skills and stats of the character; may or may not always be present in games with ...

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

Certain capabilities the character may exhibit in-game; may refer to either abilities acquired through leveling or those acquired via quest but can be utilized at any time.

Domain: Games; Category: Computer games

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