Category: Languages
Created by: AlasVerdes
Number of Blossarys: 3
Spanish (ES)
English (EN)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Catalan (CA)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Greek (EL)
Portuguese (PT)
A page-turner (or "page turner") is a book so captivating the reader can't put it down. He or she turns one page after another. The term often refers to a popular novel or bestseller.
En español el término inglés "page-turner" es un libro tan fascinante que se lee de un tirón porque engancha al lector. Suele referir a una novela popular.
An undercover journalist is a reporter or member of the press who gathers information in secret. He or she may assume an alternative identity or identities during the course of investigating, researching or conducting interviews for a news report or story.
Un periodista clandestino es un reportero que trabaja en secreto. Suele escribir reportes de noticias bajo un seudónimo y/o anónimamente.
According to Merriam-Webster, when "press" is used in a journalistic context it can refer to "news reporters, publishers, and broadcasters." However, when used as a verb, "press" means to push, squeeze, force or apply pressure. A “press” is a printing machine.
La prensa refiere a un cuerpo de periodistas y reporteros que publican o emiten sus reportes por medio de fuentes de noticias como periódicos, sitios web, el radio o la televisión.
The term "drug trafficker" is often used in the context of law enforcement to describe a person involved in the illegal transport, exchange or sale of narcotics or other contraband substances.
Un narcotraficante es una persona que se involucra en la transportación, importación, exportación o venta de drogas u otras substancias ilícitas.